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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Formation of a Legally Binding Business Contract Essay - 3
Arrangement of a Legally Binding Business Contract - Essay Example It is imperative to consider what establishes a legitimate offer. There are different proclamations which appear offers however really not offer. A differentiation must be among offer, greeting to offer, an encouragement to treat. Jess promoted a recycled van available to be purchased on a vehicle exchange site for  £2650. This isn't an offer yet an insignificant greeting to offer. This implies on the off chance that anybody shows enthusiasm for the van, Jess saves the privilege of declining to sell it. As found in the given case, Mr. Powell indicated enthusiasm for the van however Jess disclosed to him that she would sell it if some other client preceded him. The intrigue appeared by Mr. Powell was the genuine offer however it was not acknowledged by Jess. Jess consented to offer the van to him however she qualified her acknowledgment by saying that she would offer the van to any client that preceded him. A certified acknowledgment is definitely not a legitimate acknowledgment whi ch is the reason they didn't have any understanding yet. Mr. Powell disclosed to Jess that he would pay  £450 ahead of time in the event that she didn't offer the van to any client for three days. Typically, when general offers are made, the offeror will undoubtedly save the offer open for a specific offeree. In any case, when an offeree consents to pay a thought for saving the offer open for a specific period, the offeror gets bound to keep it open for the specified period as found in Dickinson v Dodds. Mr. Powell has acquired a guarantee with the thought of  £450 from Jess that she would keep the proposal to offer the van to Mr. Powell open for three days. Presently Jess and Mr. Powell have an understanding that is discrete from that of selling of the van. Another significant truth is that Jess’ greeting to offer transformed into a proposal during this arrangement. It is on the grounds that anybody could have made a proposal to Jess before she vowed to keep her offer open.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Radio-frequency identification Essays
Radio-recurrence distinguishing proof Essays Radio-recurrence distinguishing proof Essay Radio-recurrence distinguishing proof Essay Capital Safety Is the worldwide pioneer of fall security, kept space and salvage gear. RIFF (radio recurrence Identification) Is a remote information assortment innovation. RIFF innovation can Identify, follow and dole out Information to one of a kind things without direct contact or view examining. I-Safe TM comprises of latent RIFF labels (transponders) that can be examined by versatile perusers (collectors) that synchronize information to an online secure data gateway. Theoretical 1. The current venture being considered is on how radio recurrence ID yester (RIFF) has been actualized to assist better with overseeing capital wellbeing fall insurance hardware. The data framework being utilized has become an Important job on how they deal with their item to help, cost, Improve security consistence, diminish hazard, and upgrade wellbeing inside government guidelines. Capital wellbeing has become the worldwide pioneer In fall insurance. With the utilization of radio recurrence Identific ation gadget they can tract and malting their hardware In opportune way. 1. 2 Author and Team Member Group Project Assignment #5 Mohamed, Lei Thanksgiving Travis Boyd, Each Jones Carl Basilica, Young Yang Table of substance 1. 3 Target of study 1. 4 Capital security Is the association being concentrated In our gathering. They can be recognized by their NAZIS and SIC codes that put them In Industries like: oil and Gas, development, transportation, utilities, wind vitality, general and private fall assurance. They are the worldwide pioneer In assembling fall insurance for these different organizations that are needing security assurance that are working over the ground and beneath with their restricted space hardware . Capital security deals are Latin America and Australia Capital Safety must be efficient. That is the reason they have embraced the radio recurrence ID gadget to help better-deal with their items. Capital Safety is the primary organization to execute radio recurrence distinguishing proof framework on their fall insurance gear. At the point when they presented their product I-safe 2. 0 and afterward made improvement to I-safe 3. 0 to help filter these RIFF labels. The I-safes. O helps track, upkeep and review when terminated. With the utilization of radio recurrence recognizable proof framework, improvement to their organization implied endeavoring o be the best. The radio recurrence distinguishing proof gadget diminished cost, time, wellbeing and lessening hazard has made it increasingly controllable The data framework radio recurrence recognizable proof gadget RIFF is innovation that is effectively accessible in showcase. Capital security anyway utilizes its own specially crafted innovation created in - house. The business procedure of the framework is that every item accompanies the roundabout gadgets incorporated with the item. The business procedure of the framework is that every item accompanies the round gadget incorporated with the item. The items are checked at the manufacturing plant by the assessor that did the last examination or individual who finished the gadgets. Every item is doled out and ID number to the framework. The framework can record and tally the items consequently, and alert the organization when the items are expected for investigation. Utilization of RIFF Has expanded quickly and would now be able to be found in phone, government IDS, Passport, a few guns, bundles took care of by the postal framework Etc. Capital security is one of the main organizations to execute this innovation to their fall assurance hardware. By speeding up and the productivity in their security and distribution center territories capital wellbeing has figured out how to get increasingly gainful as well as give better client support by keeping up appropriate hands on administration and giving convenient review when required. Capital Safety has made their organization increasingly gainful with the utilization of radio recurrence gadget. With the utilization of radio recurrence recognizable proof gadget this data framework has become a key factor on how they use this administration apparatus to help compose their organization structure with their item. Official outline 1. 2 It is energetically prescribed for different organizations to use this kind of data framework to help with the association of their organization item. I realize that radio recurrence distinguishing proof gadget is a helpful device that could be utilized in various parts of business association. It very well may be utilized in various parts of business, climate the utilization of ID labels for representatives, mechanical production system workstation, following parts, and stock. Emerson process is another organization that has used this kind of data with their business procedure. They have radio direness ID labels for their workers for access to and out of the structure. They have related this kind of data alongside their gathering workstation. They utilize radio recurrence recognizable proof gadget to sign all through every workstation. That way they know whether there is an issue they can tract which worker is related with that specific get together. For quite a long time RIFF gadgets have been utilized in a wide range of zones (Clayton Boyce, 2003). One such territory has been as an enemy of burglary gadget. Most shoppers have bought items that have held RIFF gadgets. Stores at the neighborhood shopping centers have been utilizing hard plastic label hostile to robbery gadgets on stock for in any event she realizes it's anything but a smart thought to stroll to near the passage way. Numerous benefactors have endured the humiliation of strolling around a garments rack close to the front entryway with things to be bought and hearing an ear parting sound. This was brought about by the RIFF gadget on the attire coming into contact with the electromagnetic field at the entryway. Other over a significant time span utilizes for RIFF include: programmed fee collection counter passes, creature following chips, and friends get to identifications.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Anxiety Therapy Types of Therapy for Anxiety and What to Expect
Anxiety Therapy Types of Therapy for Anxiety and What to Expect Psychotherapy Print An Overview of Anxiety Therapy By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on August 29, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW on August 29, 2019 Getty / FilippoBacci More in Psychotherapy Online Therapy In This Article Table of Contents Expand Types of Anxiety Disorders Types of Therapy What to Expect Make Therapy Work for You When to See a Therapist Anxiety therapy is an umbrella term that refers to a range of different psychotherapeutic treatments for anxiety disorders. Overall, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 18% of adults and 25% of adolescents aged 13 to 18 live with anxiety. In addition, 4% of adults and 6% of teens have a diagnosable anxiety disorder. Different therapeutic techniques have been developed to treat anxiety and have evolved over time from early psychoanalytic approaches to the newest cognitive-behavioral therapies. If you are living with anxiety, therapy can be an effective treatment that may help relieve your symptoms in a short period of time. However, that does not mean that therapy does not involve work on your part; most therapy involves homework and requires you to learn how to apply what you learn on your own once you complete the course of treatment. Types of Anxiety Disorders Treated by Therapy A variety of different types of anxiety disorder are treated with therapeutic approaches. Some of these include the following: panic disorderobsessive-compulsive disorderphobiasgeneralized anxiety disordersocial anxiety disorderpost-traumatic stress disorder Regardless of the specific disorder, the underlying causes often follow similar patterns. People with anxiety tend to react to unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and situations in a more extreme way and may try to manage those reactions by avoiding triggers. Unfortunately, this type of avoidance only serves to reinforce fears and worries. Most modern types of therapy address negative thinking and avoidance to help you manage anxiety. Types of Anxiety Therapy The goal of all types of therapy for anxiety is to help you learn how to overcome your fear and calm your emotional reactions. This is true whether you are taking part in individual or group therapy; in fact, most of the types of therapy listed below may take part one-on-one or in a group setting. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be effective for a variety of types of anxiety disorders including panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. The premise of CBT is that examining your negative thoughts and perceptions to identify distortions can be helpful to manage anxiety. Based on this premise, what you think about situations is more important in determining how you feel than what actually happens in those situations. In other words, it is your thoughts that determine how you feel. Negative thoughts make fear and anxiety worse. So, the goal of CBT is to correct irrational negative thoughts and replace them with more positive, realistic perceptions. This process is best done with a therapist because it can be hard to identify your own irrational thoughts. A therapist can ask, What were you thinking before you started feeling anxious? This will often help you to start seeing your thoughts in terms of the patterns that they follow. For example, you might do a lot of black-and-white thinking, where you assume that things are all bad or all good. Instead, you would replace those thoughts with the more realistic perception that there are many shades of grey in between. It takes practice to use CBT techniques, but once you start to recognize your anxiety and your triggers, you can learn to apply the coping skills that you learn in CBT to manage fear, panic, and worry. How CBT Is Used to Treat Anxiety Exposure Therapy Exposure therapy is often a component of CBT or used alongside it. The premise behind exposure therapy is that avoiding situations that cause you anxiety makes your fear grow stronger. In exposure therapy, you are asked to either imagine doing something you fear or to actually approach and do it in real life. This is often done according to a technique known as systematic desensitization, in which you start with the least anxiety-provoking action and work your way up from there. Following this step-by-step approach of learning how to induce relaxation, creating a list of feared situations, and working through the list gradually is the heart of exposure therapy. This gradual process of alternating approaching what you fear with relaxation helps to pair the two in your mind and makes it easier the next time you have to go do what you fear. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a technique that was developed by Marsha Linehan in the 1980s to help people manage borderline personality disorder (BPD). People with BPD have problems managing their emotional reactions, particularly in relationships with other people. Their emotional reactions happen very quickly and it takes them a long time to return to their normal level of arousal. While not specifically for anxiety disorders, DBT may help to manage anxiety as it teaches coping skills that involve building on your strengths, identifying unhelpful thoughts, practicing self-soothing, emotion regulation, and mindfulness, and managing post-traumatic stress. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is another form of therapy that has been shown effective for a variety of anxiety disorders. ACT involves identifying your values in life and then acting in ways that match your values. This form of therapy also teaches mindfulness using metaphors. For example, one metaphor that is described is to imagine that your negative thoughts are passengers on a bus you are driving. The passengers may say things you dont like, but you are the one driving the bus and you dont have to listen to them. A Mindfulness Meditation Exercise for Anxiety Art Therapy Art therapy is a newer form of therapy for anxiety that requires more research to confirm its effectiveness. However, there is some evidence of the effectiveness of ACT for reducing anxiety. Art therapy involves either using art to express and process emotion or using art to practice mindfulness and relaxation. Family Therapy Family therapy can be helpful if one person in your family has an anxiety disorder that has affected the lives of other family members. Those supporting family members can learn how best to be of help. Often, caregivers can feel burdened as well, so family therapy can help every individual who is affected. Psychoanalytic Therapy This type of therapy involves examining your past experiences to determine how they influence your current anxiety. During psychoanalytic therapy, your therapist would help you to identify and process these experiences to reduce your current anxiety. Interpersonal Therapy Interpersonal therapy may be used if your anxiety relates primarily to your relations with other people, such as is the case with social anxiety disorder. Bibliotherapy Bibliotherapy uses literature to help you improve your life by providing information, support, and guidance in the form of reading activities via books and stories. Find Treatment In the 7 Best Online Anxiety Support Groups What to Expect From Anxiety Therapy What can you expect from anxiety therapy? Below are some of the key points to keep in mind. You will learn: relaxation techniqueshow to see situations from a different perspectivehow to identify when you have anxietyhow to approach situations you fear in the best waycoping skillsproblem-solving skills Therapy may be short- or long-term depending on the severity of your symptoms. Some people show improvement in as few as 8-10 sessions, particularly if you are working with a short-term therapy such as CBT. How to Make Therapy Work for You Its true that you will often feel worse before you feel better when trying to make a change, and being in therapy for anxiety is no exception. However, if you are persistent, you should see improvement. In that vein, that are certain things you can do to make therapy work for you: practice self-care to support therapymake sure you have a social support systempractice healthy lifestyle choicesreduce stress in your life that makes your anxiety worse In this way, you can see that putting in an effort and being present throughout the therapy process will have the biggest impact on how well it works for you. What to Know About a Therapy Treatment Plan When to See a Therapist for Anxiety If you are experiencing anxiety that is interfering with different areas of your life, it is important to speak to a doctor. Only a medical or mental health professional can assess your symptoms to determine if they warrant a diagnosis and treatment. While worry is transient, clinical anxiety is a problem not likely to go away on its own. A Word From Verywell Anxiety therapy is not one specific technique. Instead, it refers to all forms of therapy that are used to treat anxiety. If you think you would benefit from anxiety therapy, its best to first have your symptoms assessed so that a plan of action can be determined. How to Find a Therapist for Anxiety
Friday, May 22, 2020
An Analysis of Kate Chopins “Story of an Hour†- Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1170 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/09/15 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Throughout history, women have been restricted in their social right in silence under men’s shadow. However, as the movement for complete equality between women and men is brought up as a big issue, to have the same social quality without distinction of sex seems to have been achieved today. Furthermore, people, nowadays, know fairly well that such an inequality is not only unfair but also unjust. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Analysis of Kate Chopins â€Å"Story of an Hour†" essay for you Create order On the other hand, despite all the efforts that have been made to promote equality, the issue sometimes comes out as a serious problem and it is still undeniable that men are dominant in society. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess how restrained life women lived in the far past. Kate Chopin treats and shows the low social position problem of women in nineteenth-century American society in her story, â€Å"Story of an Hour†. The story, on the surface, seems to claim to stand for the theme of women’s emancipation though by giving implied hidden meaning to the main character’s death (represents the only way out for freedom), the author tells us that women can’t be set free yet. In an attempt to expose the society of her times, the author describes one woman’s miserable life. The story mainly discusses the woman’s regained freedom but, at the end of the story, the woman’s death shows that it is premature to think that women can recover their autonomy. The story begins when Louise Mallard hears the news of her husband Brently’s death in a train wreck from Richards, her husband’s friend, and Josephine, her sister. Because Louise has heart disease, they tell the news with great care. Louise first feels a great loss and cries. Then she goes to her room alone. Gazing vacantly out the window, she comes to discover her new side of which she hasn’t even been aware. She realizes that she has won back her freedom which has been deprived by her husband. While she is picturing her coming free days with great pleasure, Josephine, her sister, keeps knocking at the door, being worried about Louise. Louise comes out of the room and Louise and Josephine come across Richards at the bottom of the stairs. Just at that moment, Brently, Louise’s husband, comes back surprisingly, and Louise dies. The doctor says that she has died of joy, but only readers know the truth; even if it is a period that women long and struggle for the day of free, so far, it is only a dream. In other words, as yet, they are living in an androcentric society. From the start to the end of the story, Louise’s heart disease is considered an important feature of the character. Her disease is not just a part of main character’s trait. It represents woman’s inability of her time. No matter she aspires to freedom, there is nothing she can do. â€Å"closed door†is one of the proofs that demonstrates her inability. She wants to be free and feel a sense of release but she knows that it can’t be actualized in the real world. For this reason, she closes the door because she thinks that her state of free mind can be severed from an oppressive miserable reality by doing so. â€Å"She arose at length and opened the door to her sister’s importunities. †â€â€she can’t even secure the door from the outside interference. dull stare†also indicates her enervation. Louise sees â€Å"open window†which stands for release and enjoys freedom for a while though her husband comes across her mind soon and then her eyes become dim right away. All her action shows how passive woman she is and, at the same time, implies her state of being able to do nothing. Louise doesn’t truly love her husband. Right after she hears the ne ws that her husband has died, she ironically becomes lively, happy, and free, which means she isn’t content to live under a restraint of her husband. She comes to perceive all the beautiful things around her such as â€Å"new spring life,†â€Å"delicious breath of rain,†and â€Å"patches of blue sky. †The expression in her eyes also dramatically changes from â€Å"vacant and dull stare†to â€Å"keen and bright eyes. †She feels the mood of positive change that she will soon experience. In some ways, the matter of whether or not she really loves her husband reflects the phases of the times. Women living in nineteenth-century marry someone who they don’t want. Regardless of their opinion, they marry for many reasons such as political occasions. For Louise, death is the only exit saving her from pain that should be caused in the future. Narrator refers to â€Å"â€â€of joy that kills†in her death. Then, what leads her to death? Precisely speaking, what makes her death be joyful one? â€Å"a monstrous joy†in the text is the answer for the question. To think deeply, â€Å"a monstrous joy†can be interpreted as the author, kind of a founder of feminism literature, wants to cast a reflection of her expectation, which she has born secretly in mind, in Louise. Taking into consideration that the story is written even before female suffrage is guaranteed to woman, for an ordinary woman, who lives a serene passive life without any ambition, the unexpected loss of her husband must be something that is much bigger than just a trivial sense of loss when she first hears the news. But she shortly comes to know that she can manage to live happily without her husband, which means she has already experienced the pleasure of emancipation. Thus, now, she can’t go back to her life again. The author doesn’t let her pleasure exist only in her realm of the subconscious so Louise’s joy is expressed as an extreme reversal, which is death, of the story. Since her thirst for freedom has already reached its climax, her husband’s safe return naturally drives her to the exit which is death. Her fate is her choice, rather than giving up and, at the same time, preferable to accepting her coming miserable days. The author concludes the story by giving a sign â€Å"â€â€of joy that kills†to readers. By doing so, the author tries to makes the meaning of Louise’s death clear. Depending on guess at the atmosphere of her times, it must have been not easy to give a vivid description of the period outspokenly as a woman. Nevertheless, in â€Å"Story of an Hour†, Kate Chopin reveals the phases of her times in which women live oppressive life in her way. She tells us that low social status of women is so obvious and unchangeable that there is no choice for women but to accept their fate even if women longs for their autonomy. Through the story, readers would be able to understand the hard fact about the period and have an opportunity to think about the issue deeply.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Field Of Public Administration Essay - 1275 Words
The field of Public Administration is undoubtedly one of the most vast study fields there is. It is said that public administration is closely related to Management in terms of public management theories. After all Public Administration is the perfect management of people in a more vast public setting.According to Nigro and Nigro in their book Modern Public Administration, Public Administration is a co-operative group effort in a public setting which works in collaboration with the executive, legislature and judiciary of a nation, plays a significant role in the policy making process and is closely associated with numerous private groups and individuals for providence of service to the community. As public value increment is the main goal in public administration, the public management must be up to the task in optimization of service output at all times. As in public administration the Administration of the State is the service provider and we, the citizens, are their clients. As public administration is the allover perfect management of the public, it follows the principles of basic management and every task they perform can be categorized and analyzed by a certain management theory. Keeping that in mind, the main goal of this paper is to shed some light on the management theories that were formulated by scholars and the comparison of the management theories of the classical approach and new classical approach and their ways and views of analysis. The classical and newShow MoreRelatedThe Field Of Public Administration914 Words  | 4 Pagesthe evolution of the field of public administration based on the leadership style and the organizational structure. It has three part s; the first part will compare the organizational framework of popular theorists’ with special attention to the type of leadership and the environment of the organization. The second part will discuss a comprehensive definition of the field of public administration, and the third part is the predictions about the field of public administration, and the opportunitiesRead MoreWhy I Got Into The Field Of Public Administration Essay1195 Words  | 5 PagesThe reasons that I got into the field of public administration was the community needs and its’ lifeblood. Plus, I have this desire to constant improve the overall policies for the ideal of good government. Ever since I got into the graduate school for a Master of Public Administration at the San Diego State University. I came from a small town in the east and moved to one of major cities in the United States. Everything and everyone from there opened my eyes wide opened to the world and all of its’Read MoreThe Classical Era / Period Of Public Administration953 Words  | 4 Pagesera/period of public administration (PA), the prevailing thought was that PA should be studied as its own individual field of study and not embodied within political science, management or law. The belief in the classical period that Public Administration should be studied as its own individual field of study and not embodied within political science, management or law was a rational assumption. According to â€Å"Public administration: An Introduction,†some of the scholars in the field of public administrationRead MoreThe Five Paradigms Of Public Administration1196 Words  | 5 Pagesparadigms of Public Administration will be discussed here to indicate that Public Administration is new unique synthesizing field. This is because many conceived that Public Administration as a discipline is an amalgam of organization theory, management science and the concept of public interest. It is now, time to time establish itself as an institutionally autonomous enterprise in colleges and universities in order to retain its social relevance and worth. Paradigm:1, The politics/Administration: The concentrationRead MoreRecent Developments Of Public Administration1268 Words  | 6 PagesRecent Developments in Public Administration Introduction The role of public administration has changed over time. Public administration is a very broad field where public management and public policy are the aspects of governance. Changes are often seen in the field of public administration like technological, political, and globalization are factors that opens a new direction for change. Recent changes in the field of public administration include E-governmental and technological change and globalizationRead MoreAdmission Essay for Master of Public Administration Program919 Words  | 4 PagesPublic Administration, as a field, had always captivated me right from my undergraduate days. I believe my curiosity for this field comes from my family. Both my father and my uncle were politicians. During my early days, I used to go to my father’s office where I had a great chance to observe different kinds of people with various jobs and interests. This was the first time I learned how mutual interests bring people together. When I unde rstood how public relations work naturally, it forced me stronglyRead MoreA Public Administrator s Biggest Concern1504 Words  | 7 PagesPublic administration is often times the enforcement of government policy and also academic discipline that prepares people for working in the public service. It is a field with a diverse scope. The goal is to have advance management and policies so that the government can function. A public administrator’s biggest concern is having a sense of organization with government policies and programs. Often times many unelected officers can be considered heads of city, county, regional, state, and federalRead MoreScope of Public Administration972 Words  | 4 PagesQ). Explain the scope of public administration. While reviewing the scope of public administration we come across 2 views: a) Broader view and b) Narrower view A. Broader view : in its broader view the study of public administration is conceptualized to include the areas and activities of all the three branches of government ie legislative, executive and judiciary. It refers to all the activities undertaken for the implementation of all public policies, civil as well as military. AcceptanceRead More The Evolution of Public Administration in American Society Essay1392 Words  | 6 PagesPublic administration as a field of study and as a practice has continually evolved with American society. The United States has survived and thrived through major cultural shifts, varying degrees of economic climates, and both civil and world wars. Through out all these changes in our country, one thing has always remained the same, the fact that we are an ever evolving and always changing nation. Theories and forms of practice of public administration have also evolved parallel with the historyRead MoreHow Corporate Greed Is Uniquely A Part Of A Pu blic Administration970 Words  | 4 PagesThis weeks forum question is what brings you here and interests you. I became a public administration student after many careers in multiple fields of management. These included retail, healthcare and currently, technology. I am very interested in organizational structure and management. The field of public administration is all encompassing and goes hand in hand with organizational management studies. I do have an interest as well in local government. I grew up in a terrific, but non-political
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analyzing the argument surrounding Vicky and Ying Ying Free Essays
Analyzing the argument surrounding Vicky and Ying Ying, I do adhere to the arguments pointed out by Vicky concerning the capacity of crime mapping to be used as an instrument towards harnessing opportunities for resolving crime. Under this particular scenario, Ying Ying only asserts the corresponding threats of leakage and information breach that criminals can use in order to achieve their plans of action. However, there are limited areas that explain how it can be harmful within the scope of policing. We will write a custom essay sample on Analyzing the argument surrounding Vicky and Ying Ying or any similar topic only for you Order Now Seeing this, by actively providing minor adjustments in the process of crime mapping, information security, and analysis of data, the process can indeed be further utilized as a means to convey means to reach out in the causes of crime and the corresponding trends shaping individual or group behavior. At the same time, the ability to outline specific means to categorize behaviors help law enforcement agencies to point out valid arguments concerning location, intent, and actions among criminals who operate in a particular location. This is important in developing key strategies on areas that can explore new directions towards encouraging citizens to become responsive to the needs of the community and participate in the crime-reduction process by utilizing new patterns related to crime fighting, communication, and information sharing within local authorities. How to cite Analyzing the argument surrounding Vicky and Ying Ying, Essays
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
True Romance Essay Example For Students
True Romance Essay Once again, Quentin Tarantino outdoes himself. The movie True Romance wasexcellent. It presented real issues that some people are forced to deal within their lives. The title of the movie is misleading. You would think thiswas going to be a lovetory. Actually it is, but unlike any love story Ive ever seen. Its filledwith violence, action, blood, guts and gore.Like most other Tarantinomovies it revolves around the violence we rarely see or experience in ourlives. He also incorporatesrugs and racism, hate and love and his usual corny way of portraying them. In Tarantino films, violence is presented in a totally different approachthan movies like Rambo or Die Hard. Although you have the same amount ofpeople dying, Tarantino seems to have this perverted and gruesome way ofpresenting it to his audiences. He always takes violence to the extreme. In the scene with the pimp hedoesnt just shoot the pimp in the back or chest. He goes right for thegustohis balls !!!! (OUCH) Another example of this is when Dennis Hopperwas killed. We all knew what hpened to him, but Tarantino makes sure he shows us the oozing bullet wound tohis head. Some people think this is taking violence too far; however, actsof this nature happen in the real world every day. I guess this is his wayof giving us a realityheck.Shit like this happens to people. We are so sheltered in ourcomfortable little worlds we dont even realize this kind of stuff goes on. We will write a custom essay on True Romance specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Variety. Isnt it supposed to be the spice of life? Well, Tarantino getsso damn spicy it can make yosweat bullets. What is it about violence that is so attractive to the general public?There are so many people who would rather see a violent movie than a moviefilled with romance or adventure. If you were to compare the revenues frombox office earnings Im almospositive the movies filled with blood and guts earn much more than othermovies. (Disney is the only exception I can think of off the top of my head!!!) Naturally, if a person in the movie industry knows this will make themmega bucks , they will connue to make movies like this to make more money. Tarantino tends to slide in a little racism in his flicks. Its prettyobvious its not the main topic, but it is apparent. Hopper was unique whenhe told the Sicilian guy his great, great, great, great grandmother had sleptwith a nigger and thats y he had dark skin and brown eyes. I think Hopper knew he was a goner andwanted to insult the hell out of the guy before he died !!!!! He was socasual about the whole thing. He just sat back smoking the dudes cigaretteand blasting his family. There are so many people who say this kind of movie affects people in anegative way. They think it has an impact on criminal behavior. Thatsbullshit. I have seen violence in movies and on television and I havent hadthe smallest inkling to go ouand kill anyone or anything. I believe if a person has it in them to committhese kinds of acts they will do it regardless of what they see on T.V. or inthe movies.Their moral upbringing or lack of one would be a biggercontributing factor than vieng a movie. Movies are made to entertain. The social issues they touch on are justthat, issues. The controversy they create comes solely from the opinions ofthe viewers. Isnt that half the fun of watching a controversial movie? Itgives our minds food for tught. It affords us the opportunity to discuss what we have seen with ourfriends. We can learn from listening to how other people perceive things. .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f , .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f .postImageUrl , .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f , .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f:hover , .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f:visited , .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f:active { border:0!important; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f:active , .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8cc56b7b57d0fbc2ae2d91e2fa1ab76f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Defines the morality of an action EssayTHAT is what makes a movie great !!!!Music and Movies
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